All Parent Meeting 8.13.2019

If you were not able to attend the meeting or misplaced some of the items given out at the meeting, please see below for the information/PDFs.


Our Fall Concert is on October 17. The turn-around time for the uniform could take 4-6 weeks so it is recommended to order the uniform as soon as possible so that you will have time to make any alterations before the first concert on October 17. All students have a “Uniform Assignment” which will entail them wearing their full uniform with black shoes and holding their instrument in their correct playing posture. Please help them take their photo (on their device will work fine) and they should bring it to class for their uniform assignment. Hair should be pulled away from the face. Returning orchestra students should check the status of their uniform to ensure that they have located all parts of their uniform and to ensure that their uniform still fits. Information on How to Order the uniform (and specific parts) can be found below. Once your uniform arrives, please have your student try it on and move in it as though they are playing their instrument. It may need to be adjusted/hemmed by a tailor.

Shoes/Undergarments: All students should wear appropriate black undergarments under their uniform. Black, closed toed dress shoes and socks are the standard uniform. Black, close toed flats are recommended for the ladies.

Harrison String Conservatory
More details can be found here:

2020 Chicago Trip
We are planning on going to Chicago on March 18-22, 2020. The first group of students to sign up and make eligible payments will be placed on the roster for the Chicago Trip. Priority will be given by seniority and timeliness of payments. After the first bus is filled, the next group of students will be placed on a waiting list until we have enough for a second bus. In the event that the second bus fills, we will place the next group of students on a waiting list. In the event that the second bus does not fill and there is not an available spot on the trip for your student, your check/payment will be returned. 

For an overview of our trip, please click here: 

If you are interested in having your student participate, please help us plan by filling out the interest/intent survey here: 

If you are interested in chaperoning the trip, please send an email to:

From the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB) regarding Chicago Trip payments

The first deposit of $200 for the Chicago trip is due on Friday, September 6. Please remember to send a check into the black box in the orchestra room made out to: Harrison Orchestra Boosters. Enrichment fees of $150 for the fall semester MUST be paid first to be added to the trip roster and for the trip deposit to be accepted. If we do not have enough deposits by September 6, checks will be returned and the trip will be cancelled. If we have enough deposits by September 6, we will book the trip and this first payment of $200 will become non-refundable. We look forward to a wonderful trip to Chicago with your students!

$200 – September 6 (non-refundable)
$250 – October 4
$250 – November 8
$200 – December 6
$200 – February 10