
What is CutTime?

CutTime is a management system that the orchestra is using to track instrument inventory, music library information, and enables the orchestra director to contact orchestra families if CTLS goes down for any reason. The other primary use for CutTime will be for the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB) logistics/operations. Because Orchestra is a co-curricular class, it receives support/enrichment from the parent booster organization called the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB). Some of the HOB board members will contact orchestra families throughout the year regarding HOB business. The HOB will not use CTLS to communicate because the HOB is a parent-run booster organization and does not have access to CTLS. CTLS is designated for class specific information and not available for the boosters to use as a communication tool.

How do I register for CutTime?

Step 1
If you have not received an email from ‘’, please see the STEP 1 VIDEO below:

2023 UPDATE: Go Here for CutTime Signup Link:


Step 2
Once you receive an invitation email from ‘’, the Step 2 video will walk you through finalizing your registration.


THANK YOU for helping the Harrison Orchestra by updating your information!