2023 Spring Orchestra Trip to Washington D.C.

The Harrison Orchestra will be traveling to Washington D.C. on April 13-16, 2023 to take part in a variety of educational experiences. The orchestra will be performing at the Jefferson Memorial, visit with the U.S. Air Force Strolling String trio, observe a performance of the National Symphony Orchestra, and tour through many national monuments and museums.


Please read the Washington D.C. Trip Information Packet which includes details about the trip. All students must turn in a signed consent form and IFCB-6 permission form. The Form IFCB-6 Below is Due FRIDAY.

Medication Release Forms: Authorization to Give Medication (Prescription) Authorization to Carry Over the Counter, and Authorization to Carry Prescription Medication
Prescription medication must be turned into Mr. Mori at check-in on Thursday morning.

Detailed Trip Packet as of 3.30.23




All payments should be made directly to: Super Holiday Tours

A Message from the Harrison Orchestra Boosters:

All students must be up to date on their enrichment fees. This is important for our orchestra program so that it may continue to operate as planned for the year. Enrichment fee invoices of $150 for the fall semester were sent to all orchestra families’ last semester from the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB). Enrichment fee invoices of $150 for the spring semester will be coming out soon. If you have any questions or would like to check the status of your enrichment fee payment, please send an email to: president@harrisonorchestra.org

We are excited and looking forward to a great trip to Washington D.C. in April 2023!

Orchestra Travel Policy and Eligibility:

Should an incident occur deemed by the orchestra director severe enough that it warrants sending my child home, I acknowledge that I am responsible for all transportation (including air fare) for my child and an accompanying chaperone. I am also aware that NO REFUND will be given if my child is removed due to a Cobb County School District policy being broken. Any student enrolled in the full-year of orchestra class is eligible. Students must be currently active in the program when the trip occurs and must be in good standing with the school and organization. Students must maintain exemplary grades and conduct throughout the school year to be permitted to participate in this event. It is imperative that students maintain excellent discipline and grades throughout the year. ALL SCHOOL RULES ARE IN EFFECT FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE TRIP.