All Parent Meeting

Location: Harrison Orchestra Room
Time: 7:00pm

The All Parent Booster Meeting on August 15 covered important orchestra information including: the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB), enrichment fees, fundraisers, events for the year, uniforms, and the announcement of the spring orchestra trip.

If you were not able to attend the meeting or were not able to get a hard copy of all of the documents at the meeting, please see below for the information/PDFs:

Uniforms (Order ASAP)

Our Fall Concert is on September 21.

The turn-around time to receive the uniform can take up to 4 weeks so it is recommended to order the uniform as soon as possible in order to have time to make any alterations before the first concert. All students have a “Uniform Assignment” which will entail them wearing their full uniform with black shoes and holding their instrument in their correct playing posture. Please help them take their photo (on their device will work fine) and they should bring it to class for their uniform assignment. Hair should be pulled away from the face. Returning orchestra students should check the status of their uniform to ensure that they have located all parts of their uniform and to ensure that their uniform still fits. Information on How to Order the uniform (and specific parts) can be found below. Once your uniform arrives, please have your student try it on and move in it as though they are playing their instrument. It may need to be adjusted/hemmed by a tailor.

Shoes/Undergarments: All students should wear appropriate black undergarments under their uniform. Black, closed toed dress shoes and long black socks are the standard uniform. Black, close toed flats are highly recommended for the ladies.

Enrichment Fees

Details about Orchestra Enrichment Fees and how to pay can be found here:


Although we will be using CTLS for class information, the Harrison Orchestra Boosters will be using a management system called CutTime in order to communicate with families as needed. CutTime also allows you to see financial information regarding fundraisers and status updates on enrichment fees. All students are already registered in CutTime. However we are in need of parents to register. For information on registering for CutTime, please go to:

Volunteers & Help Needed!

The Harrison Orchestra Boosters would love to have you join us in Helping Orchestra Youth Achieve Success! We would love to have you help us with our committees this year! You can help by filling out the Volunteer “Talent Wanted” form here:

Harrison String Conservatory

We highly encourage taking private lessons as students are able to grow at a faster rate with one-on-one instruction. The HOB has created a private lesson program as a convenience for students to take private lessons after school on campus. More details can be found here:

Orchestra Calendar

You can download the Orchestra Calendar on CTLS under the “class board” or go here:

Fall Orchestra Camp

The Fall Orchestra Camp will take place on August 18-19, 2023. See our detailed schedule here: Fall 2023 Orchestra Camp Schedule

All students are expected to attend as this is an important weekend of growth for our orchestras as we bring in several professional clinicians to work with our students. The HOB will provide pizza on Friday evening. For Saturday, we will need snack donations as the students will have a mid-morning snack. Bananas and prepackaged snacks such as granola bars with NO nuts would be greatly appreciated! Students should plan on bringing their own sack lunch for Saturday.

At the end of orchestra camp, we will be going to Stars & Strikes to celebrate the hard work of our students and give our students an opportunity to meet and get to know one another further. Students will have the opportunity to enjoy pizza, soda, bowling, and unlimited games together at Stars & Strikes. The HOB will be subsidizing this experience so that the cost is only $10/student. We will take a one-way bus ride to Stars & Strikes from Harrison HS and parents should plan on picking up their student from Stars & Strikes (2400 Hiram Acworth Hwy, Dallas, GA 30157) at 6:30pm on 8/19.

If a student will be driving, please send an email to:
to confirm that they are driving themselves to Stars & Strikes. The $10 can be paid via cash or check payable to Harrison Orchestra Boosters, to the black lock box in the orchestra room or can be paid via PayPal by sending $10 below: