Online Fundraiser


Harrison Orchestra Online Fundraiser + Donations

We are kicking off our first fundraiser of the years. Funds raised will go towards supporting our Chamber Orchestra traveling to Indianapolis and supporting the orchestra program as a whole. 90% of all funds raised from this fundraiser will go to the students. 
If you would rather share our donation drive with supporters, please visit:



Order Uniform – 1st Concert is 9/16!


Uniforms (Order ASAP)

Our Fall Concert is on September 16, 2024.

The turn-around time to receive the uniform can take up to 4 weeks so it is recommended to order the uniform as soon as possible in order to have time to make any alterations before the first concert. All students have a “Uniform Assignment” which will entail them wearing their full uniform with black shoes and holding their instrument in their correct playing posture. Please help them take their photo (on their device will work fine) and they should bring it to class for their uniform assignment. Hair should be pulled away from the face. Returning orchestra students should check the status of their uniform to ensure that they have located all parts of their uniform and to ensure that their uniform still fits. Information on How to Order the uniform (and specific parts) can be found below. Once your uniform arrives, please have your student try it on and move in it as though they are playing their instrument. It may need to be adjusted/hemmed by a tailor.

Shoes/Undergarments: All students should wear appropriate black undergarments under their uniform. Black, closed toed dress shoes and long black socks are the standard uniform. Black, close toed flats are highly recommended for the ladies.

Enrichment Fee Promotion until 8/30!

The HOB is running an Enrichment Fee Promotion until August 30!
Pay the full year Enrichment Fee and receive the following for free!

Harrison Orchestra Magnet
Harrison Orchestra Water Bottle (Choice)
Harrison Orchestra Official Duck
Harrison Orchestra T-shirt

You can make a payment online here with Paypal or Zelle:
You can send in cash or check in an envelope with your child’s name and turn it in the black lock box located at the front entrance of the orchestra room.

All Parent Meeting Information

Missed the All Parent Meeting? Welcome to the Harrison Orchestra Boosters! See the information from the meeting below.

Location: Harrison Orchestra Room
Date: August 13, 2024
Time: 7:00pm

We will have our All Parent Harrison Orchestra Booster Meeting on August 13 at 7:00pm in the Harrison Orchestra Room. The meeting will cover important orchestra information including: the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB), enrichment fees, fundraising, uniforms, and events for the year.

If you were not able to attend the meeting, please see below for the information/PDFs:

Uniforms (Order ASAP)

Our Fall Concert is on September 16.

The turn-around time to receive the uniform can take up to 4 weeks so it is recommended to order the uniform as soon as possible in order to have time to make any alterations before the first concert. All students have a “Uniform Assignment” which will entail them wearing their full uniform with black shoes and holding their instrument in their correct playing posture. Please help them take their photo (on their device will work fine) and they should bring it to class for their uniform assignment. Hair should be pulled away from the face. Returning orchestra students should check the status of their uniform to ensure that they have located all parts of their uniform and to ensure that their uniform still fits. Information on How to Order the uniform (and specific parts) can be found below. Once your uniform arrives, please have your student try it on and move in it as though they are playing their instrument. It may need to be adjusted/hemmed by a tailor.

Shoes/Undergarments: All students should wear appropriate black undergarments under their uniform. Black, closed toed dress shoes and long black socks are the standard uniform. Black, close toed flats are highly recommended for the ladies.


Enrichment Fees

Enrichment Fees are a huge portion of enriching our orchestra students and support our student’s education for orchestra camp, regular sectional coaches (violin, viola, cello, bass) who come and work with our students to give our students a smaller teacher to student ratio and much more. Details about Orchestra Enrichment Fees and how to pay can be found here:

Sponsorship Program

The Harrison Orchestra Boosters would like to invite community businesses for our Community Partners Sponsorship program. If you would like to market your advertisement in our concert programs and featured on the displays prior to our concerts, please consider joining us as a community partner. This is a 50/50 fundraiser which means that 50% will go towards the orchestra general fund and 50% will go towards student credits that can be used towards anything orchestra related including enrichment fees, spirit wear, field trips, etc. The Harrison Orchestra Boosters, Inc are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. If you would like to become a sponsor or know someone who would like to sponsor our wonderful orchestra program, we invite you to fill out the form below and send to:


Volunteers & Help Needed!

The Harrison Orchestra Boosters would love to have you join us in Helping Orchestra Youth Achieve Success! Whether you would like to donate your time or items of need, we would love to have your help this year! We would love to have your help with snack donations for the students and/or chaperoning our orchestra camp on August 16-17. If you are able to donate your time or a snack item, please visit:

Harrison String Conservatory

We highly encourage taking private lessons as students are able to grow at a faster rate with one-on-one instruction. The HOB has created a private lesson program as a convenience for students to take private lessons after school on campus. More details can be found here:

Orchestra Calendar

You can download the Orchestra Calendar on CTLS under the “class board” or go here:

The Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB)

The Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB) are made up of all parents who have a current student in the Harrison Orchestra program. Orchestra parents are part of the Harrison Orchestra Boosters through your child’s participation in the Harrison Orchestra. The HOB Executive Board is a small group of wonderful parent volunteers who help with the logistics and operations of our Harrison Orchestra Boosters.
The HOB Executive Board:
Co-Presidents: Kim Long & Karen Widner  ~
Vice President: Michelle Holland ~
Conservatory Administrator: Michelle Holland ~
Co-Treasurers: Virginia Smith & Jennifer Sanders ~
Secretary: Tracy Zoblisein ~


Although we will be using CTLS for class information, the Harrison Orchestra Boosters will be using a management system called CutTime in order to communicate with families as needed. CutTime also allow you to see financial information regarding fundraisers and status updates on enrichment fees. We are currently going through updates with CutTime and you will soon receive a message so that you can see you orchestra financial information through the CutTime system. More updates coming soon!

Fall Orchestra Camp

The Fall Orchestra Camp will take place on August 16-17, 2024. See our detailed schedule here: Fall 2024 Orchestra Camp Schedule

All students are expected to attend as this is an important weekend of growth for our orchestras as we bring in several professional clinicians to work with our students. The HOB will provide pizza on Friday evening. For Saturday, we will need snack donations as the students will have a mid-morning snack. Bananas and prepackaged snacks such as granola bars with NO nuts would be greatly appreciated! Students should plan on bringing their own sack lunch for Saturday.

At the end of orchestra camp, there is an optional event to watch Despicable ME 4 at NCG Cinemas in Acworth to celebrate the hard work of our students and give our students an enjoy time with one another further. Students will receive pizza at 4pm in main cafeteria at Harrison HS and then will need their parents to drive them to NCG Cinemas in Acworth if they wish to participate. The HOB will be subsidizing this experience so that the cost is $15/student. Parents are responsible for taking their child to the event and picking them up at the conclusion of the movie at NCG Cinemas in Acworth.

If a student will be driving, please send an email to:
The $15 can be paid via cash or check payable to Harrison Orchestra Boosters, to the black lock box in the orchestra room or can be paid via Zelle by sending $15 below:




2024 Orchestra Banquet

2024 Orchestra Banquet – May 10 @ 6PM

The Harrison Orchestra banquet will take place at Burnt Hickory Baptist Church on May 10, 2024 @ 6:00pm.

The annual Spring Orchestra Banquet is a special event for all students and families as we celebrate the year and recognize student achievements with an awards ceremony, dinner, and recognition of our senior class.
The banquet will include dinner which will be catered by Burnt Hickory Baptist Church.

Price for Dinner

The price per person is:
$  0 Harrison Orchestra Senior 
$11 Student/Child Meal (Children 10 and under + Harrison Orchestra Students – subsidized by enrichment fees)
$21 Adult Meal (11 and older)

Reserve Your Spot

  1. RSVP by filling out this form:
  2. Make a payment to the HOB for the number of people listed in the form above via:
    1. Check made payable to: Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB) and drop in the black lock box located in the orchestra room. 
    2. Online via Paypal below.

    Additional meal Tickets

    Student Name

    All orchestra students and their families are invited to attend this special year-end celebration!


    Questions?  Email:


All Parent Meeting – Jan. 9

Location: Harrison Orchestra Room
Date/Time: January 9, 2024 @ 7pm

The All Parent Booster Meeting on January 9 covered orchestra information including: the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB), enrichment fees, an updated budget, events for the spring semester, and an update to the spring orchestra trip.

If you were not able to attend the meeting or were not able to get a hard copy of all of the documents at the meeting, please see below for the information/PDFs:

Enrichment Fees

Details about Orchestra Enrichment Fees and how to pay can be found here:

Nashville Trip

Our Nashville Trip will take place on April 11-13, 2024. We currently have about a dozen students on the waitlist. We would like to take a second bus but will not be able to do so without having more students register for the trip. In the event that there is not enough for a second bus, we will prioritize spots by seniority. This means that even though you may have received a “confirmation”, our youngest students may be bumped off of the trip. If a student is bumped off the trip due to this reason, TMF will be able to refund your payments.
If you are still interested in having your student join us for our spring trip to Nashville, please sign up to join the waitlist as soon as possible here:

For more information about what we will be doing in Nashville, please see the Nashville Trip Memo here:

Orchestra Calendar

You can download the Orchestra Calendar on CTLS under the “class board” or go here:

Volunteers & Help Needed!

The Harrison Orchestra Boosters would love to have you join us in Helping Orchestra Youth Achieve Success! We would love to have you help us with our committees this year! You can help by filling out the Volunteer “Talent Wanted” form here:

Harrison String Conservatory

We highly encourage taking private lessons as students are able to grow at a faster rate with one-on-one instruction. The HOB has created a private lesson program as a convenience for students to take private lessons after school on campus. More details can be found here:

Winter Orchestra LGPE Prep Camp

The Winter Orchestra LGPE Prep Camp will take place on February 3, 2024.
See our detailed schedule here: Winter 2024 Orchestra Camp Schedule

All students are expected to attend as this is an important weekend of growth for our orchestras as we bring in several professional clinicians to work with our students. We will need snack donations as the students will have a mid-morning snack. Bananas and prepackaged snacks such as granola bars with NO nuts would be greatly appreciated! Sign-up genius link will be coming soon via email. Students should plan on bringing their own sack lunch for Saturday.



Although we will be using CTLS for class information, the Harrison Orchestra Boosters will be using a management system called CutTime in order to communicate with families as needed. CutTime also allows you to see financial information regarding fundraisers and status updates on enrichment fees. All students are already registered in CutTime. However we are in need of parents to register. For information on registering for CutTime, please go to: