Mixed Bag Fundraiser UPDATE

UPDATE 12.10.18:

Orders are scheduled to arrive at Harrison by the end of the day on Monday.   Students should check their orders to make sure they are correct and give the items to their customers as soon as possible.

Regarding out of stock items:
If an item was not in stock when the order was filled, the customer will receive a voucher so that the customer can reorder from the website when it comes back in stock.  They can also order something different if they choose.  

  • If the item that is sold out is valued at $20.00 or less, the customer will receive a voucher valued at the original price plus $15. The voucher will additionally include the shipping and tax on the item.
  • If the item that is sold out is valued at $20.01 or more, the customer will receive a voucher valued at the original price plus $20.  The voucher will additionally include the tax and shipping of the item.
  • Redeem your gift code at http://www.mixedbagdesigns.com/ or you can go to  http://www.mbdfactorystore.com and get tons more for your money! Remember, the shipping is free and taxes are included PLUS there is an extra “thank you” dollar amount added to let you know we appreciate your understanding and support. Most products will be back in stock online as soon as reorders arrive.

SUPPORT Harrison Orchestra! We’re selling eco-friendly tote bags, travel bags, kitchenware & more through a Mixed Bag Designs Fundraiser! Harrison Orchestra students have sold these great products for the past eight years. 30% of each order goes to your student’s orchestra account. Be sure to enter their name at check out when you shop through the link below.

FUNDRAISER ID: 38343 http://www.mixedbagdesigns.com/harrison-high-school-orchestra



  • Collect money with the catalog orders: Don’t Collect Tax
  • Turn in money with a copy of your order form to: The black box by Thursday, November 15
  • Make checks payable to: HOB – Write one check for all your orders.


    • Your friends and family can order online at
    • Orders ship directly to anyone in the USA
    • Register and track your online orders at

Don’t forget to promote your fundraiser on social media.

Sale Deadline: Thursday, November 15

QUESTIONS? Jill Barrett jbarrett67@yahoo.com 770-419-4905