Location: Harrison Orchestra Room
Date/Time: January 14, 2025 @ 7pm
The All Parent Booster Meeting on January 4 covered orchestra information including: the Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB), enrichment fees, an updated budget, and calendar highlights for the spring semester.
If you were not able to attend the meeting or were not able to get a hard copy of all of the documents at the meeting, please see below for the information/PDFs:
Enrichment Fees
Details about Orchestra Enrichment Fees and how to pay can be found below. If you aren’t sure if you’ve already made a payment, click “Check Payment Status” below.
Although we will be using CTLS for class information, the Harrison Orchestra Boosters will be using a management system called CutTime in order to communicate with families as needed. CutTime allows you to see financial information regarding fundraisers and status updates on enrichment fees and all orchestra related fees. All students are already registered in CutTime. If you would like to check the status of your orchestra related fees, click here: https://app.gocuttime.com/guardian/resend-magic-link
Possible Trip Opportunities
We are looking at potentially going on a couple of field trips this spring. These are open to all current Harrison Orchestra students in good standing but priority will be given by seniority.
February 26: Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (ASO) Rehearsal Trip – Students will have the opportunity to observe a rehearsal of the ASO during the school day on February 26.
Due to restrictions from the ASO, there will be a limit of approximately 60 students who can attend this field trip.
April 25-26: Six Flags Music Festival – Students interested will have the opportunity to perform as an orchestra and receive commentary from a master music educator and tickets to Six Flags.
If you are interested (or not interested) in having your child participate in one, both, or neither of these potential field trips, please complete the interest form here to help us with the planning process:
Orchestra Calendar
You can download the:
Volunteers & Help Needed!
The Harrison Orchestra Boosters would love to have you join us in Helping Orchestra Youth Achieve Success! We will be hosting the annual Large Group Performance Evaluations (LGPE) at Harrison this year and will need many parent volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering for LGPE or potential other orchestra events, please send an email to: president@harrisonorchestra.org.
Harrison String Conservatory
We highly encourage taking private lessons as students are able to grow at a faster rate with one-on-one instruction. The HOB has created a private lesson program as a convenience for students to take private lessons after school on campus. More details can be found here: https://harrisonorchestra.org/lessons
Winter Orchestra LGPE Prep Camp
The Winter Orchestra LGPE Prep Camp will take place on January 25, 2025.
See our detailed schedule here:
Winter 2025 Orchestra Camp Schedule
All students are expected to attend as this is an important weekend of growth for our orchestras as we bring in several professional clinicians to work with our students. We will need snack donations as the students will have a mid-morning snack. Bananas and prepackaged snacks such as granola bars with NO nuts would be greatly appreciated! Sign-up genius link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4AAEA92DABF9C70-54466990-bottled#/
The Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB)
The Harrison Orchestra Boosters (HOB) are made up of all parents who have a current student in the Harrison Orchestra program. Orchestra parents are part of the Harrison Orchestra Boosters through your child’s participation in the Harrison Orchestra. The HOB Executive Board is a small group of wonderful parent volunteers who help with the logistics and operations of our Harrison Orchestra Boosters.
The HOB Executive Board:
Co-Presidents: Kim Long & Karen Widner ~ president@harrisonorchestra.org
Vice President: Michelle Holland ~ vp@harrisonorchestra.org
Conservatory Administrator: Michelle Holland ~ conservatory@harrisonorchestra.org
Co-Treasurers: Virginia Smith & Jennifer Sanders ~ treasurer@harrisonorchestra.org
Secretary: Tracy Zoblisein ~ secretary@harrisonorchestra.org